17 February 2009

"Free Yourself From Mental Slavery" Bob Marley

Have you ever had one of the moments where you did something and the moment after you were just able to breathe a little better?? I just had one of the moments and it came from me deactivating my Facebook account. I feel like it was just something that honestly helped strengthen all the chains and things binding up my thoughts. I used this metaphor to describe why I wanted to remove some people from my friends list but in the end it helped me justify to myself why there was no time like the present to let go of facebook...here it is: "If a crack addict was trying to stop using crack and free themselves from their addiction, would they throw away all the drugs and disconnect from all their dealers but keep the crack pipe?" Facebook was my 'crack pipe.' It was the tool I used to feed my addiction(s) and now that I have officially thrown away my 'crack pipe' I feel like I can truly move on from everything that I was trying so hard to just keep myself and my thoughts away from.

I just think it's important that we do free ourselves from those things that just seem to engulf us..those things that we feel are, or have determined to be, negative. I am my own worst critic and you wouldn't believe the things I beat myself up over. Instead of just walking away and learning from my mistakes, I just revisit the situations in my mind and beat myself up a little better than the time before. There is no progress in that and at this point in my life I'm interested only in PROGRESS. I'm desperate to move on past undergraduate and get into the world and start putting things into motion that will help me fulfill my overall purpose on this earth. It's good that I self-evaluate but I shouldn't beat myself up. I should self-evaluate for learning purposes only because re-evaluation doesn't get you anywhere closer back to the point in time your evaluating...it doesn't get you any closer to changing what has already occurred.

When your mind is being enslaved it adds a weight that you don't need added to the load you are already carrying. You can have an open mind but if there are chains hanging from your mind, you are bound to get caught up on something. So it just holds you up as you walk along your path. It's unnecessary and once you take the action to free your mind, the effect of that freedom is almost immediate. It's literally like you can just breathe a little bit easier. I find joy knowing that I will be breathing a little bit easier tonight when I lay my head down. My Facebook just became something that I would never intended for it to be, so even though I was able to keep in touch with my close friends because I'm not a big talker on the phone, it still had parts that kept my mind stuck in the prison that I was allowing it to sit in.

I just think it was a step in a good direction. I don't miss it. I wonder if I start to but either way I know that it was definitely a step in the right direction.

Really..."FREE YOURSELF FROM MENTAL SLAVERY, NONE BUT OURSELVES CAN FREE OUR MINDS!" -BOB MARLEY ....He was really onto something...he was onto a lot of things in my opinion and you can learn more than a few truths from the man.

Peace and Much Love,


Single Sassy and Saved said...

Welcome to the freedom of facebook! Girl my first day was truly a struggle but now I dont even think about it anymore because I am not missing anything at all. Your true friends will for sure keep in touch with you, so no worries. Love you girl! Oh and great blog!

JessalaineJessalaine said...

thanks...i feel like i'm doing alright..i barely miss it...only because of my status and what not but i have twittter too so i think between this and twitter i'll be alright....i said maybe once i graduate and figure out what i'm doin after undergrad i might reactivate my account but idk...we shall cross that bridge when we get to it!

MEEZY said...

Yay for letting go of facebook! Do you have aim?!??! I feel like it's been so long... you still wantin to go to law school?

JessalaineJessalaine said...

yup i have aim, i'm not on it as often as i use to but once i get another sidekick i'll be on it like always lol, my s/n is MorenitaBonitaSL. and yeah i still want to go to law school but i'm looking at taking a year off or two years either doing americorps or teach for america! so we will see what happens! law