15 February 2009

Word of The Week

Note: This is another reoccurring part of my blog. It should be posted at some point during the week that the word is for. However, this first one is being posted on the Sunday following the week the word is for. (Hopefully that made sense to you.)

(n) 1 a: the quality or state of being negligent b: the failure to exercise the care that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in like circumstances
2: an act or instance of being negligent

"There are no repercussions for their negligent lifestyle." - D.L.

My word for this week is NEGLIGENCE. Basically because I spent a lot of time discussing and observing the negligence that seems to be all over our world these days. I'm by no means intending to judge any of the characters or situations that I may mention in this post because I have experienced many things it seems as a fault of my own negligence. That said I think everyone is negligent or has been negligent more times than we all like to admit. It takes a pretty conscious effort to not be negligent and one definitely has to be "in tune with their star player."
...ALL I KNOW IS... that nothing good ever comes from being negligent. For example, my own negligence landed me in an emergency room in so much pain. And I am the one that will ride out each and every one of my sicknesses so for me to have to go to the emergency room was a low point. The repercussions for my negligence even extended past the point when they released me because I had a serious come down off the drugs they gave me while I was in there as well as a arm that was EXTRA sore from the part of the visit that the nurse tried unsuccessfully to find a vein in my arm for an IV. No one was responsible for my 'ailments' but my own self not taking care of myself. All is well now but it really just sucked. However, I encounter people all the time that have less than desirable effects from their negligent behavior and instead of holding their own negligence responsible they find the need to fault everyone or everything else. I guess that only irritates me because one of my pet peeves is someone's irresponsibility that affects other individuals. And more often than not a person's negligence has some direct and/or indirect effects on a person or people. Sometimes we can see these effects and sometimes we can't, either way it is still so easy to walk away from or keeping walking past our negligent behavior...is it because we just don't care? It just baffles me.

Negligent behavior costs. It costs people money, health, happiness...the list could go on... And to scare those that don't get my point just yet, Sexually Transmitted Diseases are a result of what? Negligent behavior on both sides of the equation.

When you engage in negligent behavior or decisions you should at least be responsible enough to cop to your own negligent behavior and not use a scapegoat or other lame excuse. Negligence is not an excuse for any behavior or choices. However, responsibility could probably cover all negligence. If someone was to take responsibility for their own actions then whether they were being negligent or not doesn't really matter, it could all be chopped up to a person making a bad decision which we all make at one point or another in life.

Here's an example: Supposedly Ray J got one of his "For the Love of Ray J" contestants, Danger, preggers. This is not only bad for Ray J ("better choose the right one, or pick, pick the kiddies up" - international players anthem, UGK & Outkast) but let's think about the child that will have to grow up knowing that he is a product of a reality show. And not just any reality show, but one of the wildest ones ever to come to television. He's going to have to see the show at some point in life. I wonder what that is going to do to the child's psyche. I mean he may fill that he has to be promiscuous like because that is what he clearly came from or he may be really embarrassed and develop all sorts of issues that will have lasting effects on his life and love. And the only repercussion that may come from this negligent decision is either Ray J dropping dollar dollar bills for child support which may not be an issue for him because he's famous and probably can drop that cash without too much resentment.

IDK....I just think that we as a society can be more careful and conscious about the decisions that we make. The effects aren't always immediate and sometimes they are lasting when we chose to do things that aren't among our better options. I had a teacher in high school that dismissed us with the phrase, "Make good decisions." Let's make better decisions people. We could all make an effort to acknowledge and be aware of the possible consequences that specific decisions will bring about. I think it would better society in the long run.

Let's just do better. I mean, why not?

I hope this post made some kind of sense...my brain is all over the place because of my present circumstance (to be the inspiration of some post to come I'm sure....). Either way I hope you enjoyed my first Word of the Week...I'm thinking they'll probably only get better so Stay Tuned :)

Much Love,

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