02 February 2009

Everyone Has Strength

One message that has been the loudest in my life over the last few months is that EVERYONE IS IN A BATTLE. Some people have a "one battle load" though, I feel most carry a "two or more battle" load. I feel though our own personal battles may seem greater than another person's...in reality they probably weigh the same. Each battle is proportionate to the load that we can bear. God (or your higher being) never puts more on us than we can bear...so any battle that we come to is probably going to be heavy enough to feel...it is going to test our strength. It's going to stretch our strength to it's maximum, but the result is ALWAYS greater strength.

When you are trying to build muscle, we go to the gym. We lift weights. Lifting weights makes little tears in our muscles and stretches our muscle. Our muscles recover, you know do their whole biological rebuilding thing, and in that healing process the result is a bigger muscle.
((Hopefully that makes sense....I promise I learned this in physiology in high school, and I got a 98% or better in that class both semesters...GOOGLE it if you don't believe me!))

Realizing everyone you encounter is fighting some battle that you may or may not never know about is really beneficial in building relationships with people. It helps make you think twice about any lashing out that you would do because of your personal battle, because it just wouldn't be right, or make any sense, to add a petty issue to the load that someone else may be carrying or to your own personal load. It's also great to find a person that you are comfortable discussing your battles with, in turn making them comfortable to share their battles with you. And before you know it, you are a building a small army to help conquer the battles you are facing or will face.

---> as hard as that may be sometimes, it's done as easy as it is said. and it always comes back around.


1 comment:

Single Sassy and Saved said...

That was deep! I truly believe what goes around comes around. So that is why I try to treat others that I want to be treated. Also that is why I try to have a positive attitude around others becuase I never know what may be going on in their lives right now. I feel as though my smile can truly heal someone else's soul. Like with our blogs and everything, you never know who you are truly inspiring......