11 February 2009

Say What?????

Note: I'm going to start posting quotes and such to my blog that I really like or find interesting or just want to put on my blog. Saaaaaay WHAAATTTTT???  
Jessalaine :)

"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."  ~J.R.R. Tolkien
^^I have found a number of people in my social circle that at the end of the day, get on my last nerves.  I still like them it seems but it also seems that I can only handle them in doses.  Overall, it tickles me as well at the end of the day.

"Cease trying to forgive those who wronged you.  Aim to kill the self within, not until then will you find there is nothing that even remembers the injury"
^^This quote somes up a message I received around New Years Eve and it was truly the best advice I had gotten in taking steps in the right direction.  Holding grudges and resentment only affects (or at least disproportionately affects) the holder.  You have to free yourself and breathe again. :)

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