17 December 2008

I do try not to get worked up about material things.....


However, I REALLY LOVE THIS SHIRT!!!! I saw it on N.E.R.D's blog (bbcicecream.com.blog)
Sidenote: check out their blog it's pretty cool. I mean I like it. They tend to put up pics of all the cool things they get to see and do which I think is cool, when you're bored as fcuk in the midwest.

This Shirt.....It's classic, what makes it even better is it references on of my fave N.E.R.D songs, come on sing it with me..."doooo i reallly eveeeenn loooovveeee yoooouuuu???? or do i really loveee your......brraaaiiinnn" lmao. I know it's late for Christmas requests but if you love me and/or want me to be happy you could always go hunt them down in Europe break into their tour bus/hotel (I will not be responsible for your bail money) and just steal/borrow forever the shirt when no one's around...cuz I'm not sure where to get it...but for real though if and when it is released(if it hasn't been released yet and i'm just sloow) I'm really probably going to buy it...hopefully it will be after the 1st or 16th of the month lol (since my rent and sidekick bill will have been paid) because I'm a broke college student....I will deal with not being able to go out (or up, for that matter lol) because I'll have a frickin cool ass shirt....Hi Hater.

I REALLLLY WANT THIS SHIRT LOL! LIKE WE ALL KNOW I LOVE LOVE LOVE MR. WEST BUT IF I HAD TO CHOOSE BETWEEN MEETING KANYE AND GETTING THIS SHIRT...I MIGHT HAVE TO PUT MY DREAM OF MEETING HOMIE ON HOLD...THAT'S ALL I'M SAYING...no offense, lol, j/k...but not really i don't think...i don't think that's mean as long as he never found out lol (how would he) so if I ever did meet him he won't be like, "this b*tch traded me for a t-shirt"......it's a sweet t-shirt tho!

this was random i know, but i was surfing the net as usual and saw this shirt, and instead of talking to myself about how much i wanted this shirt, i wrote in this blog. lol


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i read your comment on the bbc blog and just had to click your link cuz you are so obsessed with this shirt. ;)
they are selling them at the concerts...so maybe if you are going to see nerd live anytime soon..you could buy one!