15 December 2008

See...John McCain is not a bad guy

The one thing that really got to me about the whole Presidential Election and the campaigning is that I really feel that this campaign season brought out the Best and thee Worst in people. It brought out the best by invigorating so many people, especially young adults. It got people who usually could care less about whether they vote or not to get an opinion and voice it at the poll. I think that happened on both sides of the fence (republican & democrat). However, it also brought out the worst. Think about how many heated debates you either had, heard about, or witnessed. Think of all the negative things and words you would see brought up about both candidates. It truly brought out the worst. I say that to say, I really liked John McCain prior to the presidential campaign. So it really got to me to see the Campaign John McCain, I think that the people he trusted that were close to him got Ugly and then that ugliness just swooped up John McCain almost whirlwind like. Now that the campaign is over I really like the John McCain I'm seeing. I watched his interview on "This Week" this past Sunday and I was really endeared to the man again. I don't know if it was the part of me that always wants to take up for the underdog but for real, I was pleased with what I saw. During the interview he said something that was REAL and HONEST and I appreciated it. It's basically the point of this blog, so hear it is (He was answering the question about how he got past losing the presidential race):

"Get busy and move on. That's the best cure for it. I spent a period of time feeling sorry for myself. It's wonderful. It's one of the most enjoyable experiences that you can have. But the point is: You've got to m ove on...."

speaking words of wisdom...let it be.



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