01 December 2008

Extended weekend oddities

So, I went to the UPS Store one day during this little holiday break that past. And as I was waiting, I let my eyes wander and they landed upon this little sign. UPS does it's customers the favor of telling them ahead of time, so there is no need for the customer to ask, that they will not ship (EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS) . That literally made me Laugh Out Loud. It's nice to know that in this day and age, we are at the point where it actually has to be stated that shipping companies will not ship Explosive Materials. Madness.

What is the world coming to?

Later that day, I went into a public restroom in a shopping mall where I'm from. When I washed my hands, I was suprised to notice that the dispenser shaped container on the wall was not for soap, but for disposing dirty/used needles. I was just amazed. I couldn't believe that I was seeing what I was seeing. I think what amazed me the most is that the administration of the mall I was in really felt that there was a need for a needle disposal thingy in the public restroom. Like dirty needles are really that big of a problem for this mall?? This is the world we live in and I would just never expect this at a shopping mall! I mean I could picture one of these at a shady gas station or rest stop but not in a mall. Mad Crazy.
Once again...Really what is the world coming to??
These are just a few of the WOW moments I had over this little break.

I feel like I should mention that I went to my first strip club over the weekend. Being from Indiana and hearing all about the strip clubs in Atlanta from my people's that travelled South for school, made me a little skeptical to visit one of our local strip clubs. Mostly because I didn't want to see anyone I went to high school with up on nobody's pole doing their thug thizzle and I definitely didn't want to see garbage, period, on a pole. So I FINALLY decided to go, after pre-gaming like only me and my love know how to do it seems, and went to the strip club. Looking phenomenal I might add. Made it to the strip club which was unimpressive from the outside, but quite the opposite on the inside. I must say I was thoroughly impressed with these women. LMAO. These chicks really really really really work hard for their money and I can't knock them (I don't think I ever have.) I know people like to hate on the sssstttrrrippppaass but really they are just HATING. These women's pockets (at least the ones at this particular strip club I visited) are probably on the fat side and I would hate to if I wasn't dedicated to my own hustle. Shit I was damn near inspired at this strip club! I think everyone should go to a strip club at least once and another time with your boo...because if you pick the right club, it's guranteed to be a fun time.

Sillllly. I know.

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