17 December 2008

Choose internet over sex.......for real??? lol, wtf!?!?!

SOOOOO, I was reading CNN and I like to read the articles that have been emailed the most...you know since I'm not cool enough to be a part of the group of people that get it emailed to them...just kidding I do that because I have nothing better to do sometimes....but anyways, I saw the headline. "Survey: many would take internet over sex"

Here's the link. read it: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/12/15/internet.sex.survey/index.html?imw=Y&iref=mpstoryemail

First of all, LMAO!

Second of all, this is why people get divorced.

I love the internet and all...but the internet ain't EVERYTHING. For real, I would definitely rather go back to life before the internet ruled the world before giving up a great thing that God intended for us to do.


Peace and Love, of course,

That is all.

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