05 December 2008

If You Don't Respect Love, How can You Expect Love to Respect You?

In a past conversation with a great friend, we were talking about the state of some things going on around and within us and I just said, "You can't expect love to respect you, if you don't respect love." And it wasn't until after the last word had come out of my mouth that I realized exactly how profound the statement was. I feel it was so deep and sincere that I had set a new standard for my life just by speaking the words. After that conversation, I really did evaluate the statement I had made and elaborated on it in my mind. I want to make sure I understood what I was saying to make sure that I hold my own self accountable in/with Love and other matters of the heart. Also,I felt that I should have what I meant by the statement in reference somewhere in my mind should I need to explain it at some time. This entry is one of those times...

I really put Love on a high pedastal. Just because I truly believe that it conquers all. I wrote awhile ago about how God is Love. God can fix anything, therefore Love can fix anything. I don't just believe in the Power of Love because it sounds good...I've seen for myself and experienced for myself what Love can fix and do. I feel like when a person is in love they are fragile, whether they want to be or not..whether they want to be or not. A person is fragile because of the power that love possesses. Think of the crazy things you have done or seen done for love. Think of how broken you have been or how broken someone close to you has been over love. Think of all the crimes of passion that make it on the news, simply because someone couldn't live without someone's love, or they couldn't handle the thought/reality that someone they love is loving someone else (I feel this is more the exception, than the rule). That is how powerful Love is...it makes you do thinks you think you could never do and you feel ways that you never felt before and experience a feeling that doesn't exist outside of the Love you're feeling. Love is so powerful that it can also hurt you in a way that you may feel at the time is incurable. However, I do not feel that Love's intentions are to birth pain. I feel that Love in the wrong hands and Misplaced Love bring hurt and from there only a Greater Love can cure that hurt. I hope you feel me when I say that Love is powerful.

We are socialized to respect those that are in positions of power. Think about it...as a society we really do respect and place on a 'throne' those that are powerful and effective at showcasing that power. So I just wonder why we as people can't seem to grasp the fact that Love has to be respected. Especially if you are to REAP WHAT YOU SOW (Sidenote: Karma is Real. You Better Believe That Buddy.) I feel that if you take advantage and misuse Love then you can't expect for the Real Love that you give to someone at some point to be honored. Because Love has already identified you as someone that is going to treat her wrong and disgrace her name. A person in that situation is going to have to work EXTRA HARD, once they're really in Love just to prove themselves worthy. Naturally it shouldn't be hard for an individual to prove that they are worthy of love because we were made to love and be loved. However, we reap what we sow...so if you sow shit, you will get shit. If you cause someone pain under the umbrella of Love then you should expect nothing less at some point to feel the same pain that you caused someone else to feel. That's not because of any kind of vengenance but how can you really understand Love if you don't understand that other side of it as well...it's necessary to make you a better lover, someone worthy of Love you're seeking.

I think what I mean by respecting Love is pretty simple and it's not much to ask for from people. It just means being the BEST PERSON that YOU CAN BE! There is no sweeping standard because circumstances vary with every situation. If you want some examples:

-Don't Cheat, Don't Cheat, Don't Cheat. Ladies and Gents...I think when people cheat on someone they are really disrespecting love because they are only thinking about themselves. No matter how you slice it. For me there are no excuses for that B.S...because I would rather get over the hurt of breaking up and realizing that it wasn't a love that was meant to be, then to have to get over someone cheating on me and finding out 1. I'm a damn fool and 2. that person didn't give two shits about me. (I'm not judging those that like to dip out on their significant others...because Do You....but I'm just saying Karma is Real...and it could come back at you with the strength of a thousand pains...when you least expect it.)

-Be Honest. Be honest with yourself and the one that is loving you. Should the time come that you're love isn't what it was with someone, you should let them know because you love them (or at some point had love for them). The truth hurts, but nothing like a lie. I believe that Love will show the person that the Love wasn't the right one, just as It had showed you that it wasn't right. If you're honest, you make sure that Love will come back around to you truthfully.

-Don't confuse respecting love with the reciprocation of love. You can respect love without reciprocating it when you find yourself in these kinds of situations. What you don't do is lead the person that is loving you on to believe that there is mutual feelings or even the chance for mutual feelings in the future. You shouldn't feel bad if the feelings someone has for you doesn't match the feelings you have, because that person is just travelling down the road that is going to lead them to their One.

-Keep it Real. Basically, don't call a pile of shit a dozen roses. If you are just talking to someone, tell them. If you're just screwing, tell them (or at least be CLEAR in all your actions, and don't confuse clear with smooth). My Mama, (whom I love more than my own self because she keeps it real with me to make sure I become the Best Woman that I can be) told me once, "Jessica, sex with someone you don't love is just getting the monkey off your back." Those truly are words of wisdom and it is so true. Outside of the moral conviction the Church put in me, I don't think that a person should feel bad about just having sex. Sometimes you just need to get 'the monkey off your back.' Don't read that as me saying that you should be out screwing a different person every week, or worse every night. You're body is a temple and you should be careful of whom you let enter it. If you just let anybody kick it at the temple, the property value goes down. At least in my books...once again no judgement passing those that like lots of visitors in or at their Temple...I'm just saying I wouldn't buy it and that's because I judge myself by the same, if not harsher, standards. Don't let the belief that just having sex with someone is a bad thing lead you to mislead someone. Keep it Real.

To just put it simply I really feel that you should always have good intentions when dealing and interacting with other people. That isn't hard because if you can't find any good intentions to apply towards someone that's a good sign that person is someone that you don't need in your life, so just take the hint and keep it moving.

This post isn't me judging anyone, so please do not take it as that. I take the Commandment, Thou Shalt Not Judge, seriously. I don't do it, less I be judged by the same standards. I only judge myself and that works for me, because I want to be the Best Person that I Can Be. This is merely my opinion. If this post 'stings you' or 'pokes at you' in any manner, it really wasn't my intention, but I will say that if it is moving you in some kind of way maybe take a second to reflect on the person that you are or the person that you may be presenting to someone.

Also, this post wasn't brought to you by a 'woman's scorn.' This is just my perspective, based on what I've seen or experienced in this short life of mine.



**Hopefully this entry does justice to the point I was trying to get across. I'm at work and all over the place, plus my head is hurting a little bit...still recovering from THEE ABSOLUTE WORST headache I had last night that kept me up forever....booo to that ish.***

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