26 November 2008

Be THANKFUL for the Life You Have!

So I'm sitting here bored at work doing nothing...wishing that time would do a line of coke and speed the Heck up! (Sidenote: Don't do DRUGS!, crack is whack, coke is a joke...I prefer to Live Above the Infuence, lol and that's all that I advocate.) Even though I get off at noon today I still wish that time would progress as smoothly as it does on the days that I feel all bogged down but whatever, it's all good, sitting here made me start thinking about this upcoming trip to Detroit my familia is taking for Thanksgiving and it made me think of Thanksgiving and what I'm thankful for and about the holidays and how the holidays are always like times of reflection for people, at least to those that reflect. (I'm so not going to assume that everyone 'reflects' because my experience has shown me that some do not evaluate or self-evaluate, that's another post for real.) I just started thinking about all the things I'm grateful for and some of the things that popped in my head were just hilarious, so I decided to come here and list them...I mean it's not like I have anything bettter to do, lol.

I'M THANKFUL FOR.... (in no particular order):
-Fingernail polish. Painting my nails grew to be a very calming, therapuetic occasion in my life. It helped to reduce the nail biting (though I do enjoy chipping the nail polish off when it's at the end of it's run) and it was fun to watch the nails grow. Progress in a beautiful cool form. If it weren't for all the cool fingernail polishes I was able to find, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy taking moments to myself and painting my nails. So yes, I really am thankful for nail polish, it makes me happy.
-My Goodness, My Family. I loooooove my family. They all crack me up like no one can, love me like only they can, and support me in a way that is incomparable to the other support I receive in my life (except G-O-D's of course). I'm thankful for that foundation. This includes my ENTIRE family, not just the immediate
-The World Wide Web. Without it, I would be sitting here staring at wooden panel walls and pictures of people that look like they could be fake. The internet is cool, you can find out so much.
-Nature, oh sweet Nature. I'm thankful for nature, not so much the outdoors part of it all (meaning less than desirable weather conditions, bugs, birds, etc), but definitely the NATURAL part of it all. This Earth grows so much Great stuff that really shows us that God really wants us to be happy ;)
-My Homies. I'm so thankful for the friends that I rank as HOMIES. No need to list them, because those that are homies have no question about their status w/ me. I love the laughs, the good times, the memories, the support! Homies are the Family I choose.
-Music, duh. Of course. Music gets me through many many many many situations. Work, stress, workouts, walking, drifting, all sorts of moments are made so much better with music. I love my Music like it's MY Music...Music is Fun, it can be real, I just love it, always seems to make me want to dance, even if it is a two step....lol. Plus without music, there would be no concerts, which I love.
-Facebook. I really do have a love/hate relationship with Facebook but overall it never fails in giving me that Good Laugh when I least expect it. Fbook can be downright annoying sometimes but honestly sometimes it's just the click of a button, and the reading of a few words, and it's like I'll literally laugh out loud. Facebook is great.
-Carmex. It really is my best friend throughout winter. Without it my lips tend to hurt really bad.
-Boys, in general. You bring the entertainment, the comedy to my life. They usually always crack me up. Whether I'm laughing with them or at them it's always a good time. Either way they usually bring a smile to my face, so I'm thankful.
-Sidekicks. Sidekicks are cool, I really do love my Sidekick I can do quite a bit with it, though it doesn't have a touch screen, it is efficient (when the network isn't messing up) and I like that. I love texting, and this phone is clutch for that.
-Colors. I really like them, I think they're cool especially when they are organized on to items in an eye-catching fashionable manner. I just like colors. My family tells me I'm colorful...because I like color so much and I chose to express it in my dress, accessories, and nail polish :)
-Blankets. Because I'm quite sure it's impossible for me to sleep without one. Even if I get hot, I get from under it, but keep it close.
-Faith & Hope. Without those two things I don't think I would have made it through this year. I found them to be the answers to my most troublesome questions.
-Chuck Taylors. I think they're cool, and they come in cool colors and designs sometimes.
-Skinny Jeans. Because they're hot, and they help show off my za-pa-tos (spoken how it's seen, but the word is zapatos, or shoes in english) Plus I spent majority of my life dedicated to the flare jean so it's time I let another style shine.
-My Lost Ones. To the friends I 'lost' (Lost as in gone forever or that may prove to be just lost for awhile...only time will tell) I truly am thankful because each one's journey through my life taught me so much about this life and myself and I can't see how I would have gotten to the really good place I'm at right now had I not had each experience. I am just thankful and I' happy and I wish everyone of the 'ones' the best for real.
-My J-O-B. Only because I'm chasing that paper though. Stack That Cheese.
-My future. Because like I said to my G.I.G back when we were graduating (Class of '05 stand up) "Our Future's So Bright, We Just Gotta Wear Shades!" the statement still holds true today.
-Turtles. Because they're cool and they gave me a great tattoo idea that I finally went and got.
-Auto-tone. Lol because it helped give us 808's and Heartbreak...and Chopped and Screwed ft. Ludacris. I'm being silly......but for real..lol
-The Creator. Because his Master Plan is so darn good that it is responsible for everything we see in front of us and everything that will be.
-Of Course Barack and Michelle Obama. They're doing what many thought impossible not so many years ago ("I know it seems heaven sent/we ain't ready to see a Black President" -Tupac) They are redifining a culture and a society's overall predetermined expectations for a people. I love it and God Bless the President Elect of the United States of America, Barack Obama.
-Indiana. Even though it was split down the middle thank you for going Blue. I'm proud to be a Hoosier, knowing that all ya'll aren't that bad and for refuting the long held belief that I and other people have held about you all being low key racist. <--JOKE. Kind of. LoL
-The Thanksgiving Holiday. Because that means I don't have to see the faces of the people I work with for a full four days. Wowser. Now that is something to shout about
-Casual Fridays. It makes things a little bit easier in my mind when I can wear my chucks and hoodie into work, because they don't think the heat should be turned on for some reason.
-My mind. Thought it gets sidetracked often, and my memory is not what it used to be. I
m thankful for my logic, as I've stated before, "I'm just married to my logic..." and honestly I don't see a divorce coming anytime soon. At least until I find something better.

That's bout all I got for now...who knows I may update more throughout the day, who knows. Haha that's another thing I'm grateful for, FREE WILL.

PEAAAACCCEE and MUCH LOVE, and Happy Thanksgiving - spend time with ur Loved Ones,

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