19 December 2008

another quotable moment in mi vida...New Year Resolution :)

"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names." ~John F. Kennedy

So here is my new year's resolution: Work on loving unconditionally. I love my family unconditionally. However, this past year showed me how HARD it is to love the Family that I choose (my FRIENDS) Unconditionally. So no matter what happens between friends and other loved ones within the next year and for the rest of my life, I want to still be able to say that I have love for them if something happens that comes to test or 'pause'/'terminate' a 'friendship'. No more destroyed friendships basically, where things get so bad that the only option is to blow the mother-effer up. I want to respect the honest connections that brought us together in the first place. People in your life are seasons, and I know and except that fact. I just don't want the season's to pass drenched in negativity ANYMORE, because that will only create 'baggage' for me to carry into the next season I'm entering. I'm going to keep the peace and keep the love. Because truthfully, I do love many people that are in my life AND no longer in my life and if I was to pass away from this life, I would want all of them to know that...to know that I have nothing but love and well wishes in my heart for them and their lives. I'm going to make sure that my actions represent that from now on out.

I've got to do better and I'm going to do better. See you all at the TOP!!!!!!! :)

jessalaine :)

1 comment:

Single Sassy and Saved said...

That was deep and I loved it!