20 November 2008

sweeetnesssss from mi dia

The internet is so cool and I honestly am not even that much into technology at all but I really think that the Internet was the BEST invention EVER....well next to electricity and only because without electricity there would be no internet. I say that be.cause you can do so much stuff these days with the internet...like it's endless really. I have a class in a virtual world. Yes a class at The Ohio State University that meets in this place called Second Life (just google that ish...and you will be amazed..if you haven't already heard about it) I don't necessarily like all that but I do like this blog and I do like my Gmail, my facebook, my myspace, google, bossip, kanye's blog, and i just got put on to imeem which I think I might like as well. Saying alllll that to say that I really enjoy my iGoogle home page...from the theme all the way down to my add-on, "Reminders from God" which gave me this little token upon opening my browser:
All walls shall fall before you. Your faith and My power are the only two essentials. So if man’s petty opposition still holds, it is only because I choose to let it stand between you and what would be a mistake for you.
--Two Listeners
And to that all I could say is, "Cool."

On Another Note:
I bought two books today, I remember in high school when I was stressed out I would go to the bookstore and buy books...I'm nerd and cool with it :) Funny thing though when I got to college and life stressed me I bought clothes...so I guess that makes me a Cool Nerd now...and I'm cool with that too. (Sidenote: I should make more of an effort to alternate between books and clothes when I'm engaging in 'shop therapy/mind-freeing'....that way I don't overdose on the cool...only my fellow Lupe Lovers will understand the last half of that)

I bought: The Definitive Guide to Stuff White People Like The Unique Taste of Millions and The Wisdom of The Ancient Greeks. Mind stimulating kind of stuff....at least to my mind.

Stuff White People Like will probably have me laughing for days and The Wisdom of the Ancient Greeks will add to my uhhhh.....'vocabulary' or 'collection of random quotes/advice/blah blah blah' I don't know what to call it but I already found some interesting thought provoking things in the book....which I'll drop later on because Procrastination has gotten the best of me one again and there is a paper I must tend to. And while I'm writing the paper I'm going to pretend to be paying attention in my online class that meets in Second Life. Multi-tasking at it's...worst.


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