01 March 2009

Word of the Week

Adamantine - adjective 1: made of or having the quality of adamant 2: rigidly firm: unyielding 3: resembling the diamond in hardness or luster

This week's word is brought to you by my analytical musings this past week. Have you ever had the feeling that people were just waiting for you to crack, break, and/or fall? And it's not to sound or look paranoid, like you're thinking that everyone is out to get you. The paranoid are mentally weak, so I'm talking to those that are strong mentally, or at least understand the perspective of the mentally strong.

It is so hard, I feel, for people to live in the world today...I only know the battles I face and the things I go through on the daily so I always imagine about what another person may be going through at the same given time. I think it's even harder to be not shaken from the foundation which you stand on comfortably in the world that we live in today. There is always some test or some individual testing you. I feel like I've grown so much from the things I've gone through in this extra short life of mine (22 precious years...) that I've noticed how much does not get to me. And the funniest thing to me is to watch people behave in a manner that they are expecting is going to have some effect on you. It's is pure entertainment and it brings a little joy to my heart when I notice the mess and allow it to not affect me because it shows that I'm truly at a place in my life where no matter how the water is flowing I remain steadfast 'like a tree planted by the rivers of water.' I don't think it was easy to get to that place and I think I have a little bit more to probably experience before I can securely say that that place is a permanent position for myself. There are definitely still things that shake me up, but they just fail to remove me completely from my foundation.

You have to learn how to apply appropriate 'weight' to the situations and people in your life. Because there are somethings and people who just shouldn't be given any sort of opportunity that they can affect your being. If they get that opportunity, you have to believe that they are going to make the most of it because it what feeds their self esteem and self worth. There are people in this world that only feel good because of the "failures" of the people around them and I think that is extremely sad. That's why, like Katt Williams said, "we have to be in tuned with our star player." You have to do whatever it takes to be unbreakable because there will always be someone in your life, most likely wearing the disguise of a 'friend,' waiting for someone to falter in order to feel better about their own life.

I think it's important to possess adamantine qualities because it's important for making your way through this thing called life. By showing that you are 'unbreakable' you help encourage another person to carry themselves in a similar manner. 'Life comes at you fast'....literally. The only way you will make it through when the winds of change are fiercely blowing is to be unyielding. Believe in yourself and your purpose...BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND YOUR PURPOSE. If you don't believe, you will have a hard time convincing and getting other people to believe. The ocean of life's waves will never cease their motions so the only thing you can do is grow to be strong enough to resist those waves. Some waves that you encounter in life aren't meant to do much but pass through/by you. Some people you meet in life aren't meant to do much but come in for a short period (when compared to the long run) and then leave just as swiftly as they came in. Which is why one needs to be strong and unmovable because those kinds of waves/people could come through and cause you to falter when all they were meant to do is pass through without any interruptions to your life. It's important to notice, recognize, and acknowledge these characters, or jokes as I commonly refer to them. Confrontation isn't always necessary. Don't let them take your shine, because at the end of the day the part they play in your overall purpose is minuscule. Anybody that plays a major role in the overall picture of your life acknowledges and respects the strength you have and do things that only help to grow that strength.

This world will get to you if you let it.

Be strong for yourself and everyone else past, present, and future that needs to see an individual like yourself be strong.

"And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." Psalms 1:3

Peace&Much Love,

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