23 January 2009

Jess-E f. BABY :) Please say the baby :)

This is my new BFF, BABY. She is an American Pit Bull Terrier...and I think she is beautiful...and from what I've seen so far...lots of other people think she's cute too. She was ten weeks when I got her, and took this picture. Didn't know what I was going to call her for a minute, then I just kicked it with her and told her, "well I guess it's me and you baby..." then I got the clever idea to just name her Baby. You know like 'Weezy f. Baby' well with me and her its 'Jess E. f. Baby' and I think she likes her name a lot. She's smart and bitchy...but she loves me and knows I'm the "HBIC" and we get along pretty well. She's also a cuddler, which I love...I just wonder how it's going to work out once she gets full size...

I promise to keep the posts where I'm just writing about 'the cute thing that baby did.." to a minimum.

All I know is I love this bia a lot...she gives me super company...and she loooveees me back! BFF!

This is usually the face I wake up to every morning. Beautiful.

Sidenote: Nurture trumps nature. And pit bulls don't have an aggressive nature. They are people pleasers and respond to humans actions/emotions.


Single Sassy and Saved said...

Aw this post makes me want a doggy even though I dont get along with them lol. Maybe futher on down the road I will get me a chocolate pug(I feel me and pugs can relate lol). I am so happy you are back to blogging!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!

*Just Dance* said...

I love Baby too :)