07 February 2008

That's the world...that I someday want to live in...

Goood Morning Folks...I say good morning, seriously because it is a good morning. Despite the fact that I woke up at 6 am after sleeping on a couch that I laid down on the night before, not wanting to spend the whole night there...but subconsciously maybe wanting to. Either way, I wasn't too happy to be awake at 6am and I didn't have any where to be until 11:30....but I shook it off. Took a moment to myself (I do that quite often :), and then watched some music videos on t.v (yeah they still show them...if you wake up early enough, or pay extra for those extra music channels LOL). Overall, my outlook was good for the morning and for the day. I was starting to feel a little sleepy again around 7:45 and I was about to doze off....when I realized....I had to WORK! That was a lemon, I swear, thrown into my morning. I contemplated just not going but seeing how I blew off work the afternoon prior in a very.....let's say...bratty way (I promise they deserved it...you'll hear about my 'job' eventually), I decided to get myself together, add the lemon to my morning's 'green' tea if, make a playlist, and be on my way to campus to my wiggedy wack job.

Despite all that, the morning is still good. I had a good morning because on my walk to work, which is a little under a mile, like .75 miles (yeah...I just mapped that), I was listening to the playlist that I made for my walk and it made me want to DANCE. Seriously, in my mind I was dancing my whole walk to work. And trust, I was bustin' some moves, felt like I could have been in a Justin Timberlake video (and actually, in my mind, I was...in the My Love video). I often can feel and imagine myself dancing like I've never seen myself dance before in real life (Clearly...) and to be honest I would never actually try any of the moves that I see myself doing, in public or private, for fear of embarrassing the hell out of myself. Back to the topic at hand, I continued my groove with every a-fucking-mazing song that came on. As I walked, with a noticeable pep in my step I'm sure and a huge smile on my face I couldn't help but wish I lived in a world where people effin' danced as they walked. As I came to a stoplight even, I wish I had the balls to just bust out some moves as I waited to be able to cross the street. I mean, to me, a world such as that makes sense. We are all already so disconnected from each other as we pass each other on the street, with our hoods up, shades on, and iPods blastin' our very own favorite tunes....so why not groove. Why not throw some positive energy into the air with a few of your signature dance moves??? As long as you don't get to tooooo wild with it, you wouldn't hurt yourself or anyone else. It might be kind of cool, funny, and all that jazz.

Basically, I just think that music is a gift. It moves people in ways that other things can't or else they'd be called music, duh. Don't waste the gift, bust a move...you never know who's watching & possibly holding in a dance move of their own. You never know, next time I find myself at a street light experiencing a really really good song...I might break out in with something! That'd be nice...

I'm just sayin....'that's the world...that I someday want to live in...'

:) this guy knows what I'm talkin' bout... :)

that's all I got for now...


Now playing: Fergie - Fergalicious
via FoxyTunes

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