27 October 2008

The Office, no not that office, this one's located in Hades

This might be my first official rant...and here is how it came about:

First off, I am supposed to be at work at 8am...but today I arrived at around 7:30. I ride with my Dad to work since we work in the same area, and he had to be at his job at 7:30. Here's how a conversation between us went down at around 7:25am:

Dad: (smiles at me)
Me: (in a grumpy tone) I don't want to be in that office at 7:30.
Dad: Well go get some breakfast...
Me: I don't want to even be in the VICINITY!

So you can kind of see where my mind was at. Of course the sun wasn't up and by looking at the sky I'm sure one would not be able to tell whether it was 7:30pm or 7:30am. And personally, I think that is garbage. That is basically the first problem I have con mi trabajo. Why in the 'H.E.Double L' do we need to be in that darn office by 8:00am. This goes for any office in the world that opens at 8:00 in the morning.I think this cuts back on productivity ridiculously. Any morning I could walk in at 8:45 (late...) and the people in this joint haven't even started a lick of work. Someone is on Facebook (they're damn near thirty...but that's another issue), another is reading a hard back edition of some comic book series, while another is just remaining as clueless as she was the day she walked in here I'm sure. I always sit down at 'my' desk and ask myself, "What am I doing here?" and I try not to respond by getting up and walking out, returning to my bed, and coming in at a more respectable hour. That respectable hour being no earlier than 10:00am. To add to the frustration, I am just a temp in this office, hired and placed by an outside agency. The work I do in here ranges from comical to annoying. I was hired to do data entry (b/c my typing skills are FIIIYA. lol), but they quickly found extra stuff for me to do by looking at their tasks (which I'm quite sure THEY get paid serious cash for THEM to complete) and assigning me the frivolous/tedious portions of them. For example, some of my tasks include alphabetizing, inter-alphabetizing, filing their finished applicants, and I must not forget "date stamping" each sheet of high stacks of paper that the person paid to read each sheet of that large stack can't stamp because...I don't know really. It still baffles me why I must stamp each sheet in prior to him reading it when he can just stamp it in as he reads. I truly believe that the majority of my job is contingent on the laziness of the staff in this office. That's just a few of the things I do but even if I list everything I did, the amount of time it takes me to complete everything does not consist of a full 9 hour work day (1 hour for lunch). Why do I have to be here so early, and leave so late for that matter? (Traffic is the pits at 5, so yeah getting off at 5pm is too late.) My answer to that is "Misery Loves Company."

Which brings me to my next problem...

Never have I encountered individuals that talk SO MUCH...about NOTHING. I really don't have a problem listening to people, but these folks go on and on about the most random stuff. And it always makes me seriously wonder how serious they are for pulling me into this conversion(because I never enter willingly). However, the problem lies in the fact that 85%, maybe 90% even, of the conversations consist of their complaining! They complain about students who are applying to medical school and are calling into find out information regarding their application (a.k.a Their Future!) which kills me because I guess they don't see the "Admissions Office" sign on the door they enter every morning for work. To top it off they gossip and talk major smack behind peoples' backs. They talk about the Dean and smile in this man's face like he's great. They referred to me as the "old lady" and realized I might of heard it, which I did, and literally tried to gauge whether I had for sure by making small talk and giving silly compliments..like 'nice pen.' (I suspect it had something to do with me not being at work the day before and honestly they were salty that they had to be here themselves. 1. Don't ask me why they chose "old lady", they are country ass Hoosiers with no good sense, 2. I confronted the woman, because that's not professional and don't refer to me as anything other than Jessica. And I was thoroughly amused, literally had to hold in my laughter, to watch her construct her lie. Womp Womp.) They smile in my face knowing that they view me as their "bitch" that will do what they say because they THINK (1) I don't know any better and that (2) my job description is quite rigid. I like my paycheck though, and I don't like boredom, so I do the petty tasks and watch the hours pass by swift and smoothly. There's just so much 'say something to one person in the office, then run to another desk to talk shit about the situation that just happened at the previous desk' that goes on daily. I probably would have been fine with all this, had they not tried to incorporate me into their Office Politic Bullshit. I'm just a temp, and as quickly as I came, I will be gone. I choose not to invest in their drama that was happening before me and will continue once I leave.

The gossip, "be all up in your business" approach just really annoys me. I truly believe that these individuals might have a little bit of animosity or misery tied into their 'careers' here, so they just have to spew their negativity out to make sure that someone else besides them is feeling salty. It honestly can't be because they have nothing better to do, they are very behind with applications (this is an admissions office) and I was hired to help catch them up...which was done but my process gets stalled when they stall. I', the one with nothing better to do, but instead of walking around distracting people from their work (which their behind on) I occupy myself with things that will enhance myself. I make the best out of the less than desirable situation. I don't feel the need to go and pour out all my troubles on these people I don't know just to take them down a couple of notches. Too bad my 'co-workers' don't see it that way. And I honestly don't mind the two conversations I had that were 'serious,' I listened and tried to help out with some encouraging words. However, it the other 1,998 conversations I've had or been forced to listen to that really just turns me off to this whole office crap. There is too much fake and facade and not enough efficiency and true teamwork. Office life is for the birds, don't even get me started on this dress code...really that's a whole other entry.

I'm going to leave you with a funny scene from Office Space. Office Space is a movie, and here is the scene, that any *Hip Cool Kid* needs to watch should they ever find themselves working in an Office.
